We’ve been given a great chance to create real change for our Columbus area. The Aetna Voices of Health competition gives organizations like us a way to improve our community by addressing social health issues. You can help us win a $20,000 award by voting for us.
When you vote for our organization, you’re voting to make a difference.
It only takes a minute….
Voting is easy and you can vote more than once. That’s right, more than once. Please vote every day to help us win. Click the “Vote Today” button below to view our video submission. Competition launches October 1st and concludes November 9th, 2018. Please forward the link below, because every vote counts!
#voicesofhealth #namiracleleague
Direct link to vote:
http://www.aetnavoicesofhealth.com/2018/columbus/agencies/the-miracle-league-of-new-albany/ |